Kjelene Interviews 2012 TVP Presidential Candidate Miss Jill Reed

Enjoy my interview with the 2012 write-in Twelve Visions Party Presidential
Candidate, Miss Jill Reed. Jill is also Junior Vice Chair for the National
Twelve Visions Party. Reach her campaign office by phoning 307-220-1453
E mail the campaign at reedin2012@gmail.com
Get to know a little more about Jill Reed and her platform as you listen to the
interview. Jill will be back with us in a few weeks for updates as she travels
across the United States. Enjoy the show.


Neothink Radio March, 4 2012 One To One with Steve Fagan & Dave Descoteaux

The Effective Change of Education with The Twelve Visions Party
How Would You Have felt if you started your very first day of school by hearing your teacher say to you: 
“I am going to prepare you to create great things for the world!”
An education environment that will unleash the geniuses of society.
I just interviewed Mr. Dave Descoteaux,  Twelve Visions Party Chairman for Massachusetts. Enjoy the show!

Thank You!!!

Myself and Steve  want to thank all of our new subscribers to our weekly
e mail! THANK YOU!!!! 
Great to have you aboard!
You know that when you sign up, you’ll get a direct link to our weekly shows!
If you know of anyone  who you would like us to interview, please shoot  an e mail to ntrradionetwork@gmail.com 
We are looking for Guests who are making our world a better place with either their products or
We are also considering new Advertisers as well. Ideally they would be business’s that you do
business with yourself as well as  hopefully have web sites for our listeners
to visit around the globe.
Again, thank you for joining NTR Radio Network my friends!

Steve Fagan’s One To One Interview Features TVP VP Tom Cary

The Twelve Visions Party is not the normal political Party. The Twelve Visions Party is very different than other political parties. My One To One Segment features Tom Cary, Vice Presidential Candidate for the Twelve Visions Party 2012.

Neothink Radio 2/19/2012

I conduct this week’s show  today with Sage Katakura  on The “One To One” Segment.
The message this week: 
Do not always stay in a predictability mode. 
Overcoming living under the rule of man.

Steve Fagan

Neothink Radio This Week With Founder Mark Hamilton!