NTR Radio Network Toolbar
I am so excited to share with you the NTR Radio Network Toolbar! It will serve as a new way to generate revenue along with the NTR Radio Network Mall . With this Toolbar we will raise much needed funds for the Radio Network to continue without you writing a check or selling a product! This Toolbar will not replace your existing toolbar. The features on the Toolbar are all designed to help us raise funds in a non–intrusive way. THERE IS NO COST TO YOU. There are no pop–ups, adware, spyware or tracking and includes the user’s privacy. It is easy to download to Internet Explorer or Firefox just click the banner below. By using the Yahoo search engine that is conveniently located on our toolbar , you are helping us raise dollars for our Organization! You will get the same information results you receive using your current search engine. Every time you click on a sponsored link ( anything listed in the shaded area with bullet points or anything listed on the right side of the page ) you are raising money per click for our Organization! NO PURCHASE NECESSARY . An additional, 2 cents per click will go to the Non Profit you have chosen, as well as a portion of every purchase made through the mall. Performing 2–5 searches a day on something you are interested in and clicking on sponsored links, because those links help you with the information you are looking for, will help us reach our goals faster! This should only take 5 minutes. Click on the banner above to download the NTR Radio Network Toolbar to begin your support. Click Here to view an instructional video that will provide you with more details about the toolbar. If you have any questions or special support needs do not hesitate to contact the company that helped NTR create this toolbar at support@ourgvrewards.com
With a direct link on the toolbar, you now have even easier access to the NTR Radio Network Website, the NTR Radio Network Mall to Shop and Fundraise! We invite you to visit the Mall for your everyday needs as well as for special occasions. Remember that every time you shop at over 1,500 stores in the Mall ( to make purchases you are going to make anyway ) you are generating funds for our Radio Network! We are proud to have you as a Supporter! We hope you are equally proud to have NTR’s toolbar on your computer. We encourage you to share this toolbar with your friends and family so they can help us as well.
Thank you!!!
Kjelene Magnell Bertrand
Creator/Producer NTR Radio Network