Clip of Jill Reed with this weeks show. I agree with her that man is inherently good. I myself at times look at those who are mean or are who are angry and I envision them as a child…what I see is a soul who is inherently good…yet has been manipulated to change because of certain circumstance that have happened in their lives. Look at that person and remember them as an infant…born into this world and their own circumstance. Feel their pain and suffering. Do not judge them…they had no means to correct their bad choices. They just did not know any better. If you have someone in your life right now that is making bad choices…be a friend who doesn’t judge them, however reach out and offer your support. Enjoy this audio clip of the 2012 Presidential Candidate Miss Jill Reed.
Man Is Inherently Good!
October 3, 2012 By Leave a Comment
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